- LYRA raw ’standard’ time curves, called Level 1, is a set of metadata and uncalibrated data daily fits files (link to the data)
- Level 2 corresponds to the calibrated data, provided as daily fits files (link to the data)
- Level 3 provides, as level 2, calibrated data, but averaged over 1 min (link to the data)
- LYRA daily PNG files of calibrated timeseries for all 4 channels (1-min averaged), i.e. level4a data: link to the data
- LYRA 3-day calibrated quicklook PNGs from the short wavelength channels 0.1-80 nm and 0.1-20 nm, i.e. level4b data: link to the data.
- In addition, a list of flares derived from LYRA data is available. This list is still updated semi-manually.
- The TARDIS event list can be used to filter LYRA data on certain events or perturbations.
- The LYRA Flare Finder (LYRAFF) creates a list of flares based on LYRA data.
- The O+N2 neutral density number profiles (link to the data).
LYRA data of levels 1 and 2, and SWAP average intensity can be vizualized with the following interactive Quicklook Viewer.