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LYRA data

Raw LYRA data are received at ESA’s ground station in Redu during 8-10 contacts per day and transferred to the PROBA2 Science Center (P2SC) via ftp link. Once received by the P2SC, the data are automatically processed, calibrated, and prepared for public distribution.

PROBA2 has begun its scientific mission in March 2010. Since then all data are freely available. The available data products are listed below. Click on the name for a detailed description, and on the link for the actual data in YYYY/MM/DD folders. Alternatively, the LYRA data is available through the Solarnet Virtual Observatory (SVO) that offers flexible data access through a web client, an IDL client, a Python client and a RESTful API.


LYRA data of levels 1 and 2, and SWAP average intensity can be vizualized with the following interactive Quicklook Viewer.

How to find LYRA data from specific science campaigns?