The ESA Science Management Plan for PROBA2 mentions the following:
The SWAP team requests from external data users
- A reference to the SWAP instrument paper (references see below) must be mentioned, as well as an explicit mention of the version of the used calibration software.
- Oral and written presentations must include the following acknowledgement: “SWAP is a project of the Centre Spatial de Liege and the Royal Observatory of Belgium funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)”
- For bibliographical reasons, it is requested to mention ‘PROBA2’ and ‘SWAP’ in the abstract with this exact orthography. This is to strengthen future database searches.
- Finally, it is suggested (but left facultative) to external data users to involve a SWAP co-I in their analysis team and as co-author. This will optimize the communication of the latest instrument expertise to the external data users and allow to coordinate between different analysis teams.
The LYRA team requests from external data users
- A reference to the LYRA instrument paper (references see below) must be mentioned, as well as an explicit mention of the version of the used calibration software.
- Oral and written presentations must include the following acknowledgement: “LYRA is a project of the Centre Spatial de Liege, the Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos and the Royal Observatory of Belgium funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and by the Swiss Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft.”
- For bibliographical reasons, it is requested to mention ‘PROBA2’ and LYRA’ in the abstract with the exact above orthography. This is to strengthen future database searches.
Additional agreements were made between the LYRA team at PMOD and the LYRA team at ROB.
Reference papers for SWAP:
- Seaton et al. 2013, "The SWAP EUV Imaging Telescope Part I: Instrument Overview and Pre-Flight Testing", Solar Physics.
- Halain et al. 2013, "The SWAP EUV Imaging Telescope. Part II: In-flight Performance and Calibration", Solar Physics
Reference papers for LYRA:
- Hochedez et al. 2006, Advances in Space Research, Volume 37, Issue 2, p. 303-312
- Dominique et al. 2013, "The LYRA Instrument Onboard PROBA2: Description and In-Flight Performance", Solar Physics, Volume 286, Issue 1, p. 21-42