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Solar Eclipse

The great eclipse

April 8,  2024. A date that has been highlighted in many calendars for months. It is the day of the Great American Eclipse, as it is now called. A total eclipse during which the Moon’s shadow will cover large parts of Mexico, the USA and Canada. In fact, weather permitting, all of Noth America will witness at least a partial eclipse on that day.

December 4, 2021: Antarctic Solar Eclipse

Let’s hope the penguins have their eclipse glasses ready. They will form most of the crowd in the Antarctic that will be able to witness a total solar eclipse on December 4. Fortunately, spectators in parts of southern Africa, South Australia, New Zealand and South America will see a partial solar eclipse, if the weather cooperates of course.

Eclipse challenge

This challenge is finished. Congratulations to the winners and thanks for participating!
For the answers to the questions, see below. These numbers were hidden in the blue channel of the image.

Partial eclipse in Belgium - 10 June 2021

On 10 June 2021, the Belgian PROBA2 Science Center team will be able to witness a solar eclipse with their own eyes (weather permitting). In parts of Russia and Canada one can witness this event as an even more spectacular annular eclipse.

Find our hidden message!

Between 2 and 5 solar eclipses occur every year.

December 14, eclipse time!

On Monday December 14, a total solar eclipse, the last eclipse of 2020, was visible from parts of Chile and Argentina. Weather permitting, some locations in South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica saw the partial phase of this eclipse, as did the instruments onboard PROBA2.

PROBA2 Partial Eclipse Observations - 15-Feb-2018

A partial solar eclipse was visible on 2018 February 15, in the southern part of South America, including many locations in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, as well as in Antarctica. The eclipse was visible from some areas of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well. 

SWAP/PROBA2 Observes Partial Solar Eclipse

On Thursday, October 23, 2014, SWAP, an ultraviolet telescope onboard PROBA2, observed three separate passages through the Moon's shadow, meaning it witnessed three partial solar eclipses in a single day!

SWAP Observations of the 2014 October 23 Solar Eclipse

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