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PROBA2 Guest Investigator 4th Call Results

We are pleased to announce that the PROBA2 Science Working Team has selected 7 proposals for the 2013 Guest Investigator Program.

DSLP ionospheric on-line data archive

The Dual Segmented Langmuir Probe (DSLP) experiment on board PROBA2 operates in combination with SWAP and LYRA providing remote observations of solar activity with direct in-situ measurements of basic plasma properties in the dawn and dusk sectors of the upper terrestrial ionosphere.

SWAP follows and catches a Prominence Eruption

Filament Eruption Image Over a period of five days, from Wednesday 24th 13:05 until Monday 29th 13:45, PROBA2 made off-point observations (not Sun centered) to allow the SWAP imager to observe a large on-disk filament. The filament evolved towards the West limb and it was estimated to reach the limb on Friday/Saturday.

Guest investigator Muzhou Lu presents SWAP data at gallery

In May 2013 PROBA2 Guest Investigator Muzhou Lu, an undergraduate Astrophysics and Studio Art student at Williams College in Massachusetts, in the United States, recently presented SWAP data as part of an art installation at the Williams College Museum of Art.

Fourth Call for PROBA2 Guest Investigators

The PROBA2 PI-team welcomes research proposals for the Fourth round of its Guest Investigator program for research based on SWAP and LYRA data analysis, by scientists outside the SWAP and LYRA PI-teams. We encourage in particular young post-docs and PhD students to apply, although more senior guest investigator's proposals are welcome also. In this third round we anticipate funding for around six guest investigators who will visit the the PROBA2 Science Center at the Royal Observatory of Belgium between October 2013 and June 2014.

PROBA2 Observes Solar Eclipse on November 13th, 2012

SWAP/LYRA Guest Investigator Program 2012 - 2013 (GI3)

On July 31st, the PROBA2 Science Working Team defined the SWAP/LYRA Guest Investigator Program for 2012-2013.

The selected candidates and their study subjects are presented on the following web page:

Congratulations to the selectees - we're looking forward to work with you all.

PROBA2 Observes a Rare Transit of Venus

The 2012 Venus transit of the Sun was only visible for a short period in Belgium however it was recorded from beginning to end by a Belgian instrument onboard the satellite PROBA2.
Anik De Groof's picture

Progress of SWAP commissioning

PROBA2 was launched on November 2, 2009 and SWAP opened its door on December 14. From then on, to March 2010, we were in the so-called commissioning phase in which every subsystem of the telescope, its electronics and its software is critically tested. Meanwhile thousands of images have been brought to the ground and handled by the PROBA2 Science Center. In this article we give a brief overview of all the fun we had in the first 7 weeks of commissioning.

Anik De Groof's picture

PROBA2 Press Event (26 January 2010)

Packed with novel devices and science instruments, PROBA2 is demonstrating technologies for future ESA missions while providing new views of our Sun. At a press conference on Tuesday January, 26 at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels, the team behind the small satellite declared themselves extremely happy with its first three months in orbit and unveiled PROBA2’s first solar observations.


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