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P2SC News

PROBA2 Science Working Team Meeting 16

The PROBA2 team is pleased to announce the 16th PROBA2 Science Working Team (SWT) meeting, which will be held on Monday August 6, 2018 at Royal Observatory of Belgium, between 15:30 - 17:30 local time (i.e. CET+1). 
As with most of our SWT meetings, we will present the usual mission status presentations and then we will have guest speakers present interesting science based on LYRA and SWAP measurements.

SWAP and LYRA data gaps on May 6, 2018

The SWAP and LYRA instruments were turned off during the morning of May 6, 2018 due to a scheduled maintenance of the PROBA2 spacecraft.

LYRA and SWAP stopped acquiring data around 23:40 UT on May 5 and resumed their normal operations around 05:50 UT on May 7, after a successful completion of all maintenance tasks. 

