About the PROBA2 Science Center


The PROBA2 Science Center, located at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels, oversees scientific operations and data processing for ESA's PROBA2 spacecraft. The P2SC is the primary archive and distribution center for data from SWAP and LYRA, as well as the primary maintainer of calibration tools, data analysis software, and additional instrument data. The P2SC is also home to the science operations center, where instrument observing plans are devised and, with the help of ESA's Spacecraft Operations Center in Redu, Belgium, loaded onto the spacecraft. Finally, the P2SC serves as the main site for coordination of the PROBA2 Science Working Team, coordinating special scientific campaigns, supporting science data users and guest investigators, and organizing PROBA2 outreach efforts.

PROBA2 is a small ESA satellite with a scientific mission to explore the active Sun and its effect on the near-earth environment and a broader mission to provide a test platform for new instrument and platform technology. The mission overview page provides additional information about PROBA2 and its on board instrumentation and advanced platform technology.

If you require special assistance, you can contact the instrument teams directly using the contact page on this new site.


DSLP ionospheric on-line data archive

The Dual Segmented Langmuir Probe (DSLP) experiment on board PROBA2 operates in combination with SWAP and LYRA providing remote observations of solar activity with direct in-situ measurements of basic plasma properties in the dawn and dusk sectors of the upper terrestrial ionosphere.

SWAP follows and catches a Prominence Eruption

Filament Eruption Image Over a period of five days, from Wednesday 24th 13:05 until Monday 29th 13:45, PROBA2 made off-point observations (not Sun centered) to allow the SWAP imager to observe a large on-disk filament. The filament evolved towards the West limb and it was estimated to reach the limb on Friday/Saturday.
