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PROBA2 Guest Investigator 5th Call Results

We are pleased to announce that the PROBA2 Science Working Team has selected 6 proposals for the 2014 Guest Investigator Program.

The PROBA2 Science Center received 16 proposals in response to the 5th (2014) PROBA2 Guest Investigator Call. The PROBA2-SWT committee welcomes the high level of the submitted proposals. Each proposal was evaluated by at least 5 referees of which at least three were external to the SWAP and LYRA PI teams. The committee observed the wide coherence between the opinions of these referees. On the basis of the received referee reports, a preliminary ranking was set up. During a meeting on 30 June 2014, the PROBA2-SWT committee re-discussed the merits of each proposal. Finally the preliminary pre-ranking was adopted without any changes. This resulted in the acceptance of the following proposals  (in alphabetical order with provisional title):

C. Arridge Solar EUV & solar wind effects on the ionosphere of Venus.
D. Banerjee Estimation of acceleration and evolution of angular width of Coronal Mass Ejections within SWAP FOV using CACTus.
J. de Patoul Morphology of evolution of plume and inter-plume regions.
L. Hayes Nature of red noise processes in solar flares and effect on observations of QPP.
J. Hutton Search for active region expansion using PROBA2/SWAP.
J. Machol Investigation of solar flares at the Lyman-alpha wavelength with LYRA & GOES data

The visiting schedule will now be finalized and details will be presented here.
