The overarching goal of the SCSL team is to optimize the scientific return of SWAP and LYRA in the various fields that these instruments address. This goal will be achieved by targeting the following objectives:
- To bring together international experts to advise on the best use of the instruments
- To identify the scientific questions on which SWAP and LYRA can contribute in an essential way
- To interpret calibration and test data
- To identify opportunities of scientific collaboration such as joint observation campaigns with other instruments (on the ground and in space).
- To promote the use of SWAP and LYRA data in the countries of residence of each of the team members as well as in their scientific discipline.
Before launch, the SCSL held 5 meetings. The first three took place in ISSI, Bern, in June and November 2006 and April 2007. In autumn 2007 and 2008, two other meetings were held in Brussels, first at the Royal Observatory of Belgium and the last one during the European Space Weather Week 5. In total 30 scientists from 10 different countries and 2 ESA representatives participated in these consortium meetings. A list of SCSL members is attached below.
Following the end of commissioning (in Feb-March 2010) the membership of the SCSL was reassessed. It now serves as a Science Working team and will resume its meetings, to be held every 6 months, through the ‘Nationally Led Mission’ program (ESA D/SRI). Besides its specific tasks mentioned above, it will also prioritize the candidates for the Guest Investigator Program.