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Guest Investigators for 2015-2016

The Guest Investigator Program is available to promote the use of PROBA2 data. After a sixth Call for Ideas in July 2014, the Guest Investigators for the period Aug 2015 until September 2016 were selected by the PROBA2 Science Working Team in July 27 2015.

The selected Guest Investigators, and their (provisional) research topic, for the period Aug 2015 to Sep 2016 are the following:

J. Carlyle LYRA Column Density Determination of Erupting Filament Material in Proba-2 Images.
J. Mason SWAP/LYRA Coronal Dimming Diagnostics In EUV Irradiance Measurements.
P. Bryans SWAP Studying the Origins of the Fast Solar Wind.
L. Feng & J. Plowman SWAP Morphology and Evolution of Three-dimensional CMEs and Coronal Waves. / Searching for EIT waves in coordinated SWAP and white-light observations
M. Kirk SWAP Mapping Solar Cycles Through Polar Coronal Holes.
S. Savage SWAP Using SWAP Data to Tie Coronal Flows to Flare Arcades Spines.
M. Meftah LYRA Analysis ot the Periodicities Present in the Spectra of PROBA2/LYRA and PICARD/SODISM