Brussels, Académie Royale de Belgique, Room 3. 14:00-18:30. Tuesday 6 November 2012.
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The sixth meeting of the PROBA2 Science Working Team will take place on 6 November 2012 afternoon in conjunction with the European Space Week ESWW9. The meeting is fully open for everybody interested in the science results of SWAP and LYRA. Anyone interested to bring an oral contribution is invited to contact swap_lyra at oma.be.
Brussels, Académie Royale de Belgique, Room 3. 14:00-18:30. Tuesday 6 November 2012.
14:00 PROBA2 Mission update (Anik De Groof)
14:10 SWAP status update (Dan Seaton, SWAP PI)
14:30 LYRA status update (Marie Dominique, LYRA PI)
14:50 P2SC status update (Koen Stegen)
15:00 LYRA degradation after 3 years in orbit (Ali BenMoussa, B. Giordanengo, S. Gissot, I.E. Dammasch and M. Dominique)
15:15 HELIO Services for SWAP and LYRA (Bob Bentley)
Scientific presentations
15:30 SoFAST: Automated Flare Detection with the PROBA2/SWAP EUV Imager (Katrien Bonte)
15:45 The geomagnetic storm on March 2011: seeking the solar sources (A. Guerrero, C. Cid, D. Seaton, D. Berghmans, J. Palacios, E. Saiz and Y.
16:30 Evolution of coronal structures associated with plasma outflows at rising solar activity from SWAP and EIS observations (V. Slemzin)
16:45 (Gael Cessateur, TBC)
17:00 Tomographic inversion of the extended corona seen by SWAP (F. Auchere, Chloé Guennou)
17:30 Modeling EUV irradiance variations in view of PROBA2 (Margit Haberreiter)
17:45 Impact of Solar X-ray Flares on the Earth Lower Ionosphere: relating LYRA -GOES - VLF Data (Vida Zigman)
18:00 General discussion and future initiatives