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The fourth meeting of the PROBA2 Science Working Team will take place on November 28 afternoon in conjunction with the European Space Week ESWW8. The meeting is fully open for everybody interested in the science results of SWAP and LYRA. Anyone interested to bring an oral contribution is invited to contact swap_lyra at


Namur, Palais des Congres, Room "Paul Bury". Tuesday Novembre 29 2011. 12h30-18h00. Sandwich lunch foreseen from 12h00 onwards.

Preliminary Agenda

13:00 Programmatics

  • Mission overview "2 years in orbit" (Joe Zender, ESA/RSSD) [10min]
  • SWAP status and highlights of the last months (David Berghmans, ROB) [10min]
  • LYRA status and highlights of the last months (Marie Dominique, ROB) [10min]

13:30 Data

  • SWAP performance evolution (J.P. Halain CSL) [10min]
  • The use LYRA occultation data (Joe Zender, ESA) [10min]
  • The new reprocessing of SWAP images (Koen Stegen, ROB) [10min]

14:00 Science results

  • EUV imaging of the solar corona and study of slow solar wind streams (V. Slemzin, LPI - TBC) [20min]
  • Analysis of the solar eclipses observed by PREMOS/PICARD (Rinat Tagirov, PMOD) [20min]
  • Solar rotational cycle as observed by LYRA (Anna Shapiro, PMOD) [20min]
  • Eclipses observed by LYRA - a sensitive tool to test the models for the solar irradiance (Alexander Shapiro, PMOD) [20min]
  • EUV Solar Irradiance Variability from PROBA2/LYRA/SWAP (L. Dame, R. Kariyappa & JF Hochedez, LATMOS) [20min]
  • Components of soft X-Ray and extreme Ultraviolet in Flares observed by LYRA on PROBA2 (I. Dammasch, ROB) [20min]
  • "Deep imaging using the SWAP: coronal cavities, plasmoids, jets and rays" (Serge Koutchmy, Cyril Bazin, Boris Filippov, Ehsan Tavabi IAP & IAS) [30min+discussion]
  • LYRA observations and seismology of two oscillation modes in a single flare" (Tom Van Doorselaere) [10min]

17:00 Outlook, Campaigns, The future

  • The future of PROBA2 in SSA (Juha-Pekka Luntama, ESA/SSA) [10min]
  • The next generation SWAP & LYRA: ESIO (B. Nicula, ROB) [30min]
  • Lyman-alpha observation : Lyra flare-tracking campaigns [10min]
  • A future "double-LYRA" to address FUV - MUV variability (Luc Damé, LATMOS) [10min]