REPORT OF PROBA2 Science Working Team
June 14-15 2010 at CESRA2010
Monday June 14 full day
Eugene Rozanov, Didier Fussen, Margit Haberreiter, Shaun Bloomfield, Dan Seaton, Joe Zender, Cis Verbeeck, Jasmina Magdalenic, Jean-Marc Defise, Jean-Philippe Halain, Marie Dominique, Udo Schuelhe, Eva Robbrecht, Vladimir Slemzin, Olena Podladchikova, Marilena Mierla, Andrei Zhukov, Katrien Bonte, Petra Vanlommel, Elke D'Huys, David Berghmans, Ingolf Dammasch, Anik De Groof
- 10:00 Welcome, Scope of SWT, Round table (D. Berghmans, ROB)
- 10:15 Status of PROBA2 spacecraft & MOC (E. Tilmans, ESA)
- 10:40 Status of SWAP (J.P. Halain, CSL)
- 11:05 Status of LYRA (M. Dominique, ROB)
- 11:30 Status of DSLP & TPMU (J. Zender, ESA)
- 11:55 Status of PROBA2 Science Center: SOC (E. D'Huys ESA/ROB)
- 12:30-13:30 Simple Lunch provided by PROBA2 SWT
- 13:30 LYRA data products and calibration (I. Dammash, ROB)
- 14:15 SWAP data products and analysis software (S. Bloomfield TCD, D. Seaton ROB)
- 15:00-15:30 Coffee break
- 15:30 Selected highlights of SWAP observations (M. Mierla, ROB)
- 16:00 Short term variability of the ozone and other species simulated using LYRA data (E. Rozanov, PMOD)
- 16:30 Science Lessons Learned from TESIS (V. Slemzin, LPI)
- 17:00 Modeling the UVEUV and its relevance for PROBA2 observations (M. Haberreiter, PMOD-WRC)
- 17:30 Reconstruction from LYRA data (L. Vieira CNRS, M.Dominique ROB)
- 18:00 Closing
- 20:00 Walking Dinner at CESRA2010 Welcome reception
Tuesday June 15 PM
Angelos Vourlidas, Eugene Rozanov, Margit Haberreiter, Shaun Bloomfield, Dan Seaton, Joe Zender, Cis Verbeeck, Marie Dominique, Udo Schuelhe, Eva Robbrecht, Vladimir Slemzin, Marilena Mierla, Andrei Zhukov, Stefaan Poedts, Katrien Bonte, Petra Vanlommel, Elke D'Huys, David Berghmans, Ingolf Dammasch, Anik De Groof
- 14:00 SECCHI-SWAP (A. Vourlidas, NRL)
- 14:25 Results/problems of SPoCA on SWAP images (C. Verbeeck, ROB)
- 14:50 Comparison of different EUV imagers (S. Bloomfield, TCD)
- 15:15 Integrated intensity and Variability (K. Bonte, M.S. Yalim, KUL)
- 15:40 Guest Investigator program: review of proposals (A. De Groof, ESA/ROB)
- 16:00- 16:30 Coffee Break
SWT BOARD closed session
Present: Angelos Vourlidas (NRL), Eugene Rozanov (PMOD), Shaun Bloomfield (TCD),
Anik De Groof (ESA), Joe Zender (ESA), Marie Dominique (ROB-LYRA), Udo Schuehle (LINMPI), Stefaan Poedts (KULeuven), David Berghmans (ROB-SWAP), Ludwig Klein (OBSPM)
The 16 received GI-proposals were discussed (see Appendix for full list). It was felt that all proposals were of sufficient quality and feasibility to be selectable. Their merits were estimated on the basis of the following criteria:
is the proposed research of high quality and can it lead to publications?
is the research well targeted to SWAP and LYRA or are there other instruments that can do this better?
is a stay with the PI teams needed to carry out the work?
On the basis of this the proposals were grouped in two categories:
Category 1 (proposals to be funded within the foreseen 7 slots, arbitrary ordering):
Snow , Patsourakos, Srivastava, Cessateur, Raftery, Kienreich, Slemzin
Category 2 (proposals to be funded if funding available, arbitrary ordering)
Kariyappa, Banerjee, Shugay
In addition the board makes the following recommendations:
To suggest the authors of the proposals 09_Koutchmy, 03_Filippov and 08_Tavabi to merge their ideas into 1 proposal which would then be listed in category 2 in the above list
To suggest to the authors of proposal 06_Zacharias to extend & resubmit the proposal in the following call: it was felt that Pia Zacharias could be an excellent GI but the current proposal did not allow the Board to fully asses which research is proposed to do with SWAP and LYRA.
It was felt that proposal 13_He is of high quality but more of a space weather operations nature rather than research. It is suggested to the PI teams to look into alternative funding (ISES, STCE, etc).
It was felt that proposal 16_Bernert is of high quality but more of an outreach nature rather than research. It is suggested to ESA and the PI teams to look into alternative funding (ESA, STCE, etc).
Following the above prioritization, the allocated budget and the required resources, the P2SC will look into how many of the above proposals can be funded.
Wednesday June 16
Plenary Session CESRA2010
and LYRA onboard PROBA2, new EUV instruments”
(A. De
Groof, ESA/ROB)