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P2SC News

SWAP and LYRA Calibration Campaigns from September 5 to 8, 2022

We would like to point out to all PROBA2 data users that there were gaps in the regular science data streams from SWAP and LYRA from 2022-09-05 to 2022-09-08 due to special calibration campaigns. 
LYRA performed a long calibration campaign starting at 2022-09-06 at 14:30 UT using units 2 and 3.

First eclipse of 2022

Solar enthusiasts in southern South America (mostly Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay), as well as those in parts of Antarctica, and sailing on the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans had to get their eclipse glasses out! While the Sun was setting in the west, they were able to observe a partial solar eclipse in the evening of April 30.
