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TARDIS Database Reference

This section describes the technical details of the various TARDIS databases:

Pointing and positioning

The pointing and positioning database contains a table with events. Each event is of an event type listed in the eventType table.

Table event

Column Name Data Type


insertion_time INTEGER Time at which this row was inserted. Unix timestamp.
eventType_id INTEGER Foreign key on
begin_time NUMERIC Begin time of the event. Before this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
reference_time NUMERIC Reference time of the event. For a flare, this is the peak time. For a LAR this is the middle of the interval. Unix timestamp.
end_time NUMERIC End time of the event. After this time the instrument state is nominal. UNIX timestamp.
importance NUMERIC Importance of the event. E.g. for an eclipse, the percentage of the solar disc that is obscured.
comment TEXT Free format comment. Don't expect this to be machine-readable.

Table eventType

Column Name Data Type


id INTEGER Identification number for the event type.
type VARCHAR(256) Acronym of the event type.
definition TEXT Free form description of this event type. Don't expect this to be machine readable.



The LYRA-specific database contains a table with events. Each event is of an event type listed in the eventType table.

Table event

Column Name Data Type


insertion_time INTEGER Time at which this row was inserted. Unix timestamp.
eventType_id INTEGER Foreign key on
begin_time NUMERIC Begin time of the event. Before this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
reference_time NUMERIC Reference time of the event. For a flare, this is the peak time. For a LAR this is the middle of the interval. Unix timestamp.
end_time NUMERIC End time of the event. After this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
importance NUMERIC Importance of the event. E.g. for an eclipse, the percentage of the solar disc that is obscured.
comment TEXT Free format comment. Don't expect this to be machine-readable.

Table eventType

Column Name Data Type


id INTEGER Identification number for the event type.
type VARCHAR(256) Acronym of the event type.
definition TEXT Free form description of this event type. Don't expect this to be machine readable.



The science database contains a table with events. Each event is of an event type listed in the eventType table.

Table event

Column Name Data Type


insertion_time INTEGER Time at which this row was inserted. Unix timestamp.
eventType_id INTEGER Foreign key on
begin_time NUMERIC Begin time of the event. Before this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
reference_time NUMERIC Reference time of the event. For a flare, this is the peak time. For a LAR this is the middle of the interval. Unix timestamp.
end_time NUMERIC End time of the event. After this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
importance NUMERIC Importance of the event. E.g. for an eclipse, the percentage of the solar disc that is obscured.
comment TEXT Free format comment. Don't expect this to be machine-readable.

Table eventType

Column Name Data Type


id INTEGER Identification number for the event type.
type VARCHAR(256) Acronym of the event type.
definition TEXT Free form description of this event type. Don't expect this to be machine readable.



The manual database contains a table with events. Each event is of an event type listed in the eventType table.

Table event

Column Name Data Type


insertion_time INTEGER Time at which this row was inserted. Unix timestamp.
eventType_id INTEGER Foreign key on
begin_time NUMERIC Begin time of the event. Before this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
reference_time NUMERIC Reference time of the event. For a flare, this is the peak time. For a LAR this is the middle of the interval. Unix timestamp.
end_time NUMERIC End time of the event. After this time the instrument state is nominal. Unix timestamp.
importance NUMERIC Importance of the event. E.g. for an eclipse, the percentage of the solar disc that is obscured.
comment TEXT Free format comment. Don't expect this to be machine-readable.
source TEXT Free format desciption of the source that contains this event. May be a scientific article or a user name.

Table eventType

Column Name Data Type


id INTEGER Identification number for the event type.
type VARCHAR(256) Acronym of the event type.
definition TEXT Free form description of this event type. Don't expect this to be machine readable.